Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The difference between speaking Spanish and English is a lot like the difference between reading music for piano and reading music for voice. When you are playing piano you know exactly what note you are playing and it sounds off if you make a mistake. But when you are singing you have no idea where to start so you just kind of plow ahead and it ends up sounding kind of like music but not necessarily what was written. People get the general idea, nod their heads in appreciation, but walk away with a confused look on their faces. Half the time I talk I have no idea what I am saying. And I have that problem I had in Japan where I know what people are saying but I cannot say it in English. Or I can summarize and give people the general idea but I have no idea what the individual words mean. I do not understand the relationship between my brain and language at all.

We have been partying all week! Yesterday was Mexican Independence Day and they really know how to celebrate here! Everything is red, white, and green. On Saturday night they put on this crazy show for us with professional dancers and singers! So many colors! On Sunday night el Presidente let us stay up till past midnight to watch the historical Grito. Afterwards we had to go home immediately because it is tradition to shoot your gun in the air and the bullets could fall anywhere. We keep singing the national anthem. Gringos singing the Mexican anthem with the enthusiasm that only young missionaries have is side splitting. All the Latinos have been SUPER hyper. They keep serenading us en el comedor. Fireworks have been going off day and night for the last couple of days. Viva Mexico!!
It has been impressed upon me that anyone can change. No matter how far down the rabbit hole you have gone God has provided a way for you to make it back to Him. The Atonement is that powerful.
I have taken up the practice of writing out spiritual promptings in the form of letters to myself from the Holy Ghost. It is so much more helpful than just writing it down with the rest of my thoughts, like I used to do. I think it works so well because you are demonstrating your willingness to receive inspiration. Now I have quite a collection of notes from the Spirit. The most amazing thing about it is that an expression of love somehow manages to include itself in each one.
I cannot wait until I know everything there is to know. In the Book of Mormon God is constantly cutting prophets off before they say too much. It is like putting chocolate right under my nose and then taking it away before I have time to take a bite!
I am not sure if that stuff is working or not but I keep using it because it smells good.
My companion found out she has Achilles tendonitis so she cannot do anything on it or else it might rupture. Because of this we decided to go on a diet together. I love dieting! And I love not eating meat! I found out today that one of the mystery vegetables I have been adoringly eating is cactus! Who would have thought. It tastes like Zucchini. Love you!

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