Monday, March 17, 2014


I've been doing ok. My eyes have been super dry and I haven't been
able to stop crying!! I'm not sad though but I feel like I've been
bawling since Friday. This has made me kinda sad. It's just really
annoying. And I don't know what caused it or how to stop it. And it's
not bad enough to go to the doctor or call the nurse.

My friend Whitney Manson, I'm not sure if you know her. She was in our
stake. Well she sent me a talk type thing written by a missionary. In
order to be more successful he wrote down all the things that were
keeping him from feeling the Spirit down on a piece of paper and then
fasted from those things for 40 days. And the end of the 40 days he
was able to testify better. I've been doing this but only one thing at
a time. I didn't have enough faith or strength to do it all at once.

Oh and my mission leader told me to tell you that he says saludables
which means something along the lines of greetings! Except its a
little nicer. And that I'm doing a good job and am a good girl and
that you did a good job doing whatever you did with me.

Love you!!!
Sent from Tommy the iPad

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