Monday, May 5, 2014

Oh I was just at a cafe and saw you didnt write me and I thought it might be more likely that you would if I shot you an annoying email. It worked!!!
Yes, transfers were today. They happen on Mondays every six weeks. I'm now in Anaheim with Hermana Hulet. I've met her a couple times and so far she seems pretty cool. This will definitely be different from the last two transfers where I could do whatever I wanted to. On Wednesday the aps called us and told us we were getting a new companion, Herman Witham. But they wouldnt tell us why they were emergency transferring her or for how long. So me, Biffy, and her were a trio fri sat and sun. It was soooo much fun!!!!!!! Before me and biffy were a little put out because we wanted to be alone for each other during our last couple days together, but it ended up being amazing. I'm pretty sure I laughed for three days straight and took a million trio selfies.
I was pretty sure I was going to leave just because Ive been in garden grove for so long, and I'm definitely ready to start in a new area. I'm only really sad to leave Gomez. It is really hard on them to have the last two missionaries that were here when the baby died leave. They said they will come and find me in anaheim haha. We were with them last night and it was so sad! Biffy is not attached to them, so she won't visit them. But I assigned an Elder that is still there to take care of them.
I'm also sad to leave our investigators. We have so many people that are finally taking off!! Especially Saul and Maria. I told them to listen to everything the hermanas say and to make sure to invite me to their baptism.
I saw Charles' prom pictures on facebook this morning. So cute! They really are quite a cute couple.
Yessssss sunday is mothers day. I was going to send you something today but what with transfer craziness I don't know if I''ll have time. Sorrrryyyy. Were thinking of skyping around 2:30 on Sunday. Does that work for you??
Love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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